Root chakra
Crown Chakra Balancing Essential Oil Blend
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With essential oils of lavender, sandalwood, spruce, frankincense; and fractionated coconut oil

Place a small amount on your fingertip and lightly massage into the center point of the crown chakra on the top of the head.

0.5 oz.

Due to the presence of potent natural essential oils, all products have the following warning: “Not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women."

The 7th chakra is the crown chakra that opens upwards from the top of the head. It is the master chakra that controls all the others. It is linked to the pineal gland located in the head near the center of the brain between the two hemispheres. This pea-sized endocrine gland shaped similar to a pine cone is not well known except that it produces melatonin, an agent regulating sleep.

Color: purple; white and gold
Sensorial function: all the senses and intuition
Symbol: 1,000-petaled lotus
Fundamental principle: self-realization; All Is One
Physical organs: brain
Endocrine gland: the tiny yet very important pineal whose function may not yet be fully understood; located with the brain it secretes the hormone melatonin which regulates our sleep.
Purpose and function: The crown chakra functions as the seat of our supreme accomplishment often represented in ancient illustrations as a halo floating overhead. Like the colorless light which combines all the colors of the visible spectrum of sunlight, the seventh chakra combines all the energies of the six lower chakras and harmoniously integrates the activities of those chakras. What we understood intellectually and/or intuitively in the past, we now fully perceive with perfect and holistic comprehension. With this supreme accomplishment, we now finally see the full picture realizing that both subject and object of our perception were never separated after all. We realize that All is One. When the seventh chakra is completely open, it accomplishes its function of absorbing cosmic energies. Although we play a role in the opening of the other six chakras, when it comes to the seventh chakra, it is a matter of receptivity and openness, in particular, during the years of greatest seventh chakra activity – ages 43 to 49. 
Harmonious functioning: Strictly speaking, there is no blockage in the seventh chakra, simply different levels of development in our awareness of its activity. With a fully open crown chakra we will feel no separation between our inner being and our external life. Our consciousness is fully content with itself. We feel the omnipresence of pure Essence in the perfection of silence.
Dysfunction: With a lack of awareness of the seventh chakra energies we will feel an inner sense of separation regardless fo the degree of our physical and material achievements. As we increase our awareness, we acquire a plethora of knowledge, experiences and abilities. The more the crown chakra has opened the greater the integration of the energies of all seven chakras. Conversely, a restrained crown chakra will prevent the optimum opening and function of the other six. The other chakras simply will not realize their potential and become unable to harmoniously vibrate with each other.